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SS 4.2.7 32 bit error

edited September 2018 in SecuritySpy
Hi, whit the last version, if I try the 32 bit, it works but on the Screen 1 camera preference I have the "32bit only" error and the screen of my Mac isn't showed.

Is there any issue?



  • You should only get this error when using the 64-bit version of SecuritySpy, so could you have installed this by accident, instead of the 32-bit version? I suggest that you download SecuritySpy again, then make sure to install the version of SecuritySpy from the folder called "32-bit version" from the downloaded disk image, by dragging it to your Applications folder, then opening it from your Applications folder. Does this fix the problem?

    Currently the 32-bit version is required when using SecuritySpy for screen capture (i.e. recording the Mac's monitors).
  • Thanks Ben, I'm using the 32 bit for because I want to record the Mac monitor.
    But it seems that the App is 32 bit (that in the 32 bit folder of the installer) but the screen recording function tell me that is 64.

    Back tu backup, work well.

    May you try?
  • OK I found the problem, which is that support for older-style 32-bit VDIG driver software (required for the screen capture) was inadvertently turned off in the 32-bit version of SecuritySpy 4.2.7. And the error message is a bit misleading too, since you are actually using the 32-bit version of SecuritySpy. So these problems have been fixed in the latest beta version of SecuritySpy (currently 4.2.8b1). Please confirm.
  • Confirmed!!!

    thanks Ben!
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